Monday 2 May 2016

Double page spread article

I colour coded my double page spread into pink and black for the question and answer between the interviewer and the interviewee. I did this as it's something I have seen in the majority of examples I have analysed, and also it is very easy to read and follow. It looks good within the page as the colour pink is the main house style colour, this colour is seen on this page under the page number, and at the top right hand corner of the right page where my models celebrity name is placed.

As well as making it look appealing to my target audience I also shaped the language within the article to appeal to my audience. It is set out in a very informal tone with simple and easy language in so it's easy to read. Since my target audience's age range is around 10-17, it means they will be in school and therefore having to do a lot of reading within the education system, so outside of school they won't be wanting to do much reading. But I have written the article in the simple way that they themselves would talk, so it won't seem like a problem reading it as it's so easy to read. I've found that this is a technique used in other pop magazines as well as the type of topics/subjects covered within the article. I've talked about the artists music, childhood life including school life, something that is very relatable to my target audience. Also collaborations with other famous artists that my target audience would know/be a fan of.

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