Monday 2 May 2016

Magazine messages with the colours

The main house style colour I used throughout my magazine was the colour pink, and as well as this being conventional of magazines and being stereotyped as a 'girly' colour it has more meaning behind it. Pink is the universal colour for the love of ones self which is definitely the main message in my magazine. All the female models I used in the magazine are very pretty in their own way and have different facial features, different hair and body types. As well as the audience being influenced by these people it is also suppose to make them see that they are just as beautiful too, the colour pink used throughout really emphasizes this to my audience.
The colour blue which I also use on my front cover and slightly in the other pages connotes depth and stability, which again links into the love of ones self which the pink connotes, and also the blue is suppose to be beneficial to the human body- the models I've used are all a healthy weight and are overall healthy people which should influence the audience.
And finally the colour yellow which I also feature on my pages connotes happiness and energy which is how the magazine should leave you feeling, full of energy from inspiration and happy because they know that they are just as good as anyone in the magazine.

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