Wednesday 10 February 2016

Premilinary Task -School Magazine

From my premilinary task I discovered the problem caused from stretching images. It lead to my models bodies and faces looking out of preportion which makes my magazine a lot less believeable. In my music magazine I'm going to make sure that all my photos are kept to preportion to so it is kept looking professional. A few things I really liked from my premilinary task though was my house style colour theme and my font choice, which ran throughout my front cover and contents page. The blue and white house style linked to the school's house style colours, which would be very familiar to readers from the school, and does not seem too over the top in the slightest. And the old school font I used worked very well as it is traditonally used in school magazines, and stands out a lot among the blue background.

From my research I found that it most school magazines the stories are spread out over a double page spread, therefore on the contents page the page numbers for the stories go up in twos, allowing an appropriate amount of pages and stories, enough to fill the space in my contents page. I took pictures that link to the stories which is what I intend to do in my music magazine, but my layout here is very simple and for my music magazine I am going to make it more interesting.

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