Wednesday 17 February 2016

Top of the pops double page spread analysis's

The house style colours of pink and purple on this page instantly send the message that this story is going to be very girly and, and if you link the colours to the word “dating” on the headline of the story (which is a quote from the article) you make the connection that Taylor will be talking about boys, therefore more appealing to girls. The two main focuses for the eye on this double page spread is the caption, which takes up the top left and middle thirds, and the picture of Taylor take up the whole of the right hand-side third, which creates a sort of border to visually show the reader what to expect in this article, which is information about Taylor and her dating life. Her face is the focus of the top right third down to the fact that she is a very pretty celebrity icon whom many teenage girls look up to and admire because of her beauty, and this point is a place the eye is automatically drawn to, so it is easy for her to be admired. Her chest the focus of the bottom right third again to attract girls as this is a part of the body that is important to girls, but also to sexualised the image to attract a small percentage of boys. It is a mid shot so you can see all these areas, including the mise-en-scene of the image like hair, makeup and clothing. She is wearing quite a plain top so that you focus more on the topic f the story which is dating rather than fashion. But her hair looks very silky and well done, her face has been airbrushed to make her seem flawless- again as teenage girls will believe this is what they actually look like and aspire to be like this. The straight red lipstick she is wearing could again link to getting a male audience and red has connotations of seduction, but mainly is again used to enhance her beauty. The font on the headline used is the same font that is used on some of the top of the pops front covers and contents pages I’ve looked at, linking their house styles together. The font is bold to stand out, and has little curls on the edges of the writing to make it more girly. The image of Taylor takes up the majority of one of the pages and there is nothing but her face and the headline over the top third of the two pages. There are also two images within the story line which gives the reader and insight into what the article will be covering, and the whole article is set out into separate sections of the interviewer asking the interviewee questions, displayed as the questions in purple and the answers in black. The article consists of a regular 3 column structure on the left hand side page which is very typical of most magazine genres, but also contains an extra 4th column with the picture on the right hand side page which makes the page look slightly chaotic, similar to how the front covers of the top of the pops magazines are presented. I like this layout of the texts as it’s  informal and very easy to read. As a reader it makes you feel like you are involved in this conversation and understand what is going on very easily; therefore my article will be laid out very similar to this. It is very simple conversational language which is used which I think is ideal for my target audience, as 12-18 year old's will be in school, and will do a lot of reading of formal texts with complicated language, so when they get home they won’t want to be feeling like they are doing school work when reading, they just want to be relaxed with a simple article.  I also like how the main image covers nearly a whole side, and I love the hearts placed in the background behind the headline and Taylor's head, I will also experiment into doing something similar to this in my magazine. 

The colour scheme in this version of a top of the pops double page spread is different. It still has a hint of pink, but is more of a peachy-red colour covering the page. The font colour is the same colour of the clothing that Justin Beiber is wearing which is the main image. Similarly to the previous article, the main image fills up nearly the whole of one side, and the main focus points are his face, and his groin area, the two most stereotypical places a teenage girl would be attracted to on a famous boy. It is a long shot to show is all body, and the groin area is being thrust forward towards the bottom right third point to make is a focus point for the reader to look at as soon as they open this page of the magazine. The same font is used for the title, bold with flicks on the ends of the letters to make it more girly. The article is set out as a conversation to make it informal and easy to read. The layout of the page is very simple and nice to look at, front the colour scheme linking everything together to the images being placed in focus points for the reader. The article is set out in a regular 3 column structure which is very common of most genres of magazines, making it easy to read, nice to look at, and doesn't overwhelm the reader too much. The facial expression of Justin on the main image is very straight and serious which makes the magazine seem less childlike and a bit more serious, which will appeal to the target audience as 12-18 year old's are wanting to be taken more seriously so this could make them feel like less of a child. In my double page spread I my main image will be focused on the right page taking up the majority of the page, and my model will most likely have quite a serious facial expression to send off the same message to the reader as top of the pops does.

On this version of top of the pops the main image covers the whole of the right side page. The house style pink colour is used for the on the title, and when questions are asked within the text, the same layout as the articles above. Again, this photo has been sexualised by making the focus point of the main image her bum and chest area, in the middle third of the image. This article brings across a very different theme to the other two I have studied. The other two were about dating and relationships, very girly. Whereas this article demonstrates rebellion which is something many 12-18 year old's will try out at some point. This shows a large variety of subject topics within the magazine which tells me that when creating mine I need to have a large variety of different subjects shown in my contents page. The font for the title isn't bold in this article, it is more harsh italics which links to how most teenage girls will suffer through the harshness of discovering themselves, and the italics show how many will be able to relate as italics are usually used for speech and the reader will be able to personally voice their opinion to themselves when reading this. The story is very shocking in comparison to the stories you usually find in these magazines which is emphasized  by Cher's facial expression on the main image. I think this appeals to the target audience as you find out in this article that it's about rebellion and something most parents don't approve off therefore teenagers will subconsciously be drawn to it. I find this story line intriguing but for my article I'm going to stick with a story about relationships or love, as it's a lot more common in pop magazines, especially when the target audience is vastly aimed at teenage girls, who are just discovering and are fascinated by love and relationships. On all 3 of the top of the pops double page spreads two different colours have been used for the headline, I will be using black and pink, and will most likely be a quote from the article like all these examples have shown. From this article in specific, I like how the drop cap at the start of the article is highlighted pink, it is done quite messy on this example to demonstrate the rebellion of the story but I am going to take this as inspiration -along with the other areas of pink on this page which really emphasizes the girlyness of the magazine genre. The language like in all of the examples I've analysed is very conversational and open, which is something I'll definitely be taking as inspiration for my article. 

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