Tuesday 23 February 2016

Seventeen magazine full analysis

The colour orange is used a lot on the front cover of Seventeen magazine which represents social communication and optimism, linking to the main image on the page, as the model is smiling and has a very happy facial expression, showing she is a very optimistic person herself.  The colour purple used connotes imagination and creativity, linking to the some of the stories mentioned on the front page; for example "500+ fashion ideas", this will allow the reader to be creative in fashion . You can tell this magazine is solidly aimed at girls because of the stories. The subjects relating to "hair", "flat abs" and "periods" and very girl orientated and are things that the reader will be able to relate to, which makes it a lot more appealing. All of the font is bold which really stands out and makes the story-lines stand out, as well as making them seem more interesting as it stands out so much. On the top of the magazine it informs you that the magazine is the "Hair Issue" which is a sort of semantic field on the front cover, as hair is mentioned as a story on the front cover and on the main image, the focus of the girl is is her hair. It is the focus of the top two thirds, and her face isn't really photo-shopped like other magazines do to women, which makes the hair more of a focus than her face. This appeals to the target audience as teenage girls are very conscious about the way they look, which includes how their hair looks. She is a very well-known actress from the Tv series "the vampire diaries" which will automatically draw in fans, and also people who aren't fans as she is an attractive girl which teenagers will find admirable. As well as the fact she isn't photo-shopped much making her hair more noticeable is also shows how much of a natural beauty she is which is what and most girls want to be like, so they will look in the magazine to see if they can achieve this using the "253 new tips and tricks" and the "500+ fashion ideas". From this cover I get the sense of honestly, and naturalism, to me it comes across as a very trust worthy magazine and I don't feel like I have to worry about anything being faked or over-exaggerated. On this cover I love the way her hair as been edited onto the page so perfectly, all the hairs are there with non being cut off, and has an extremely professional look, which is something I'm going to work hard on in my magazine.

The contents page of Seventeen magazine is basically set out into 4 quarters of the page. The top right corner of the page is an image of two girls dressed up in quite fashionable clothing. They are doing quite typical teenage girl poses, which also looks very amateur. This has been put on this page as it will be very familiar to teenage girls. These are the types of poses they will do with their friends, and the type of clothes they will want to be wearing, therefore they will be interested in finding out in the magazine how them as normal teenage girls can also take part in wearing these fashionable clothes. The other three quarters are split into the main subjects of stories within the magazine, all containing images relating to the subject. This makes the subjects very visually obvious which is always a good thing when aimed at teenagers, and teenagers are stereotypically known to be fairly lazy, and images are something that would appeal very much to the target audience, There is an image of the girl group "Little mix" above the celeb chat section which takes away the amateur aspect shown in the first quarter, and shows there will still be a lot of professional aspects to the magazine. All of the stories are set of really simply and clearly with the page numbers large and the stories of the size with a little bit of information next to them. The actual stories are actually set out in a different colour (pink or blue, which is the colour scheme of this particular issue).  The colour pink used has connotations of girlishness and love, which are the main things usually covered a pop music magazine, it usually includes stories on celebrities love life, which you can see from the contents page is the case in this magazine. Like I've pointed out in my previous analysis's the colour pink is a colour that I will be using frequently in my music magazine. 

This double page spread colour scheme and house style matches the contents page on the previous image. The font is portrayed as very girly and has a large impact at the same time as it is bold  but has little flicks on the end of the letters to make it quite fancy and pretty, which is he type of font that typically appeals to girls. When I studied the top of the pops double page spreads, the main image was usually the main focus of a large section of the page whereas in this magazine the image only fits about a third of one side of the spread. There is a lot more text in the story then usually found in pop magazines. It is set out similar around half way through the story as top of the pops, when the story basis around questions and answers two and from the reporter and the celebrity. The language in the text is fairly simple, but a bit more complex and formal than top of the pops. This portrays Seventeen magazine has slightly more grown up and formal, which I found was also shown through the front cover as it wasn't as chaotic as other pop music magazines I have analysed . The main image on the page is of the celebrity who is getting interviewed, who again like in all my other examples is a very attractive young lady, who's face has been photo-shopped to make her look even more admirable to the reader. From this magazine I will be using the idea of my story being laid out as questions and answers, but more simply and less formal than Seventeen magazine does. Also, for the headline I really like the bold font with the flick on the end, I think this will really appeal to my target audience- but I will be using the colour pink rather than blue as it will fit better with the house style colours I have planned to use.

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