Tuesday 23 February 2016

We love pop magazine analysis

The main colours used in the we love pop magazine is blue and pink, with a bit of yellow, all colours I find go together very well to create a girly, yet high impact front cover. The colour pink is stereotypically appealing to girls and has connotations of girlishness which pretty much sums up this magazine. All the fonts are very bold which I've noticed is a common recurrence in pop music magazines, as it creates a big impact and makes the magazine stand out on the shelf among the other magazines. The layout is very chaotic, containing a lot of images and information which shows that their is a large content inside of the magazine, persuading the reader to buy it as they will be getting there money's worth- it also shows that there is something for everyone inside (within the 12-18 target audience). The main image is a very well known pop star Ariana Grande, well known for singing, and acting on children's TV show which will make her a very familiar and admirable icon to the reader as they will know who she is and most likely admire her for her talents and her appearance as he is very pretty. Like always on pop music magazines her face has been airbrushed to make her seem even more admirable. The story title "Ariana Unleashed" will appeal to the reader as it gives the impression that Ariana has been holding back something and she is finally letting it out, which will be very interesting to read about, her hand gesture also suggests this because it is as if she is shouting something out.  Unleashed could also suggest that she's breaking out of something, promoting rebellion to the reader, which is something that would appeal to the target audience as they are at the age where they are starting to want to rebel a bit- going out out, maybe drinking alcohol and going to parties, and if they see Ariana rebelling then they will think what they are doing is acceptable. The title of the magazine is placed in the top right third of the cover in a speech bubble. I love the way it is in a speech bubble as it really links to how chatty the text on the page is which I'm sure will be demonstrated in even more detail in the article from a double page spread in this magazine. Also, using a love heart instead of actually writing the word "love" out in the title will also appeal to the target audience as 12-18 year old's are in school, not loving it much most of the time, so would rather see pictures than read because they have to read in school. Also this age range are very familiar with texting and social networking, all which vastly contain the use of emoji's and emoticons, which is what the love heart looks like. Going back to the fact this age range won't be enjoying school much brings me to the bottom right third of the front cover where there is a caption saying "back to school" then the word school crossed out and replaced by "cool", which the reader will be able to relate to a lot because if they don't enjoy school they aren't going to find it cool, and since they are reading a pop music gossip magazine they are obviously going to be bothered about being cool as there are a lot of tips how to be like celebrities and follow trends in these types of magazines. From this magazine I will be definitely taking into account how chaotic the cover is, and how a lot of images, text and bright colours will really stand out among other magazines. The vast use of the colour pink is also something I had already decided will be featured on my front cover as a house style colour as well as on my contents page and double page spread.

I think the main focus of this contents page is the heading "We love this...". It is written in capitals to really exaggerate on what they are saying, then the ellipses at the end is used as a persuasive technique to make the reader want to read on. The majority of the page is taken up by images with page numbers next to them. I like the way this is done because it really simply visually shows to reader what page to go to if they are interested in the people that are on these images. All the images consist of well known celebrities. Mostly beautiful women whom the reader will want to look like, and attractive men whom the reader will probably crush on. The pink background and text connect with the front cover through the house style, and is very welcoming to girls. There is more writing in the writers note section then there is on the actual stories, and there is more images than both which conveys we love pop magazine as a very visual magazine, which highlights the fact that it's aimed at a low age range because it is a really simple to see what the magazine contains. The writers note is very informal and has very simple language which really makes the reader feel like it is directed towards them, which is very welcoming and something I will be including in my magazine. A difference in my magazine will be that I will take up more space for stories, and a few less images than used here.

This is a Christmas edition therefore doesn't completely fit the colour scheme of pink and blue, but it does still have a lot of the blue. Two of the main connotations of the colour blue are reliability and responsibility, which will link in with the integrity of the magazine and what is represents- that the stories they publish are all reliable. But also, the story is all revolved around Olly Murs. On the image he is surrounded by the colour blue suggesting that he is a responsible person, therefore the readers parents would approve of him being an idol. The article is set out in the same way as the other pop magazines I have studied in the format of question and answers, which is very chatty and informal, therefore easy for the reader to read. The fact the article is so chatty links to the speech bubble that the title is written on, and overall gives the magazine and very friendly and open vibe. The main image of the page is Olly himself, and he takes up the whole of the right hand side page which is something I like a lot, it looks quite simply made but it again makes the spread very visual like the front page and the contents page. It is a mid-shot of Olly so you can see his face clearly and see the clothes he is wearing. This appeals to the target audience as he is an attractive man, and it shows he is stylish and fashionable, something teenage girls are bothered about. The article it's self only has two columns which is different to usual articles as they usually contain three columns. I think this is because the page has a lot of images on which is a consolation for the third column. In my magazine I will be having three columns because I don't feel as though two is enough, but I will be using a large image that will fill up the majority of one side of the double page spread. A thing I really like on this page is the pun on the heading, I personally find it really clever and humorous and I am in the target age range, therefore think it would be good to think of a clever pun for my headline. 

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