Wednesday 10 February 2016

Top of the pops front cover analysis's

The house style colours of pink, purple and red  and the sparkly font informs you that the magazine is mainly aimed at young girls, which is also emphasised through the fact that the majority of photo’s on the cover are girls, and under the photo of the boys is the caption “who’s the fittest?”, a question a young girl would answer about the two pop stars. The front cover reaches it’s target audience as there are several very well known celebrities on it, which means the stories within the magazine will be about these people. There is a story called “GAGA at school” which will interest the target audience as the target audience will mainly be girls ages 12-18, who are typically still in school. Something else that will appeal to this age range and gender is the story “your most embarrassing body worries solved” as girls in between the age of 12 and 18 are starting to worry about their body image and become self-conscious, and the name of the story suggests that this magazine can help with these issues. The main image is a very famous celebrity, and her face his focused in the top middle third of the page which makes her the first thing you look at one the page, as she is also the largest photo on the page. She has a lot of makeup on, and has clearly been airbrushed which many young girls in this target audience would find admirable, and find her very beautiful; this means they would most likely want to be like her, influencing their decision on buying the magazine. Also having the story headline “I’ve beaten my haters” under her gets the audience and insight into what topics are going to be covered in the magazine, leaving them curious to know more. A very feminine and glamorous brand is constructed through the sparkly bright fonts and colour scheme to the attractive main image, I also think these are the main aspects that make this a successful front cover. In my magazine I will be using a similar pink and purple colour scheme, and I will have the name of my brand written in bright sparkly writing. I will also have a large main image of a glamorous/attractive girl and a very chaotic layout with a lot of images, information  and colours.

All the top of the pops magazines are aimed at girls aged around 12-18 which is shown through the pink house style, as pink has connotations of girls. The main image being Justin Bieber is also very appealing to girls because he is young, attractive, stylish and a very well-known pop-singer. There are many pictures of other well-known celebrities around the sides  of the page , both male and female, as young girls either admire or have a crush on these people. This magazine cover is set out very chaotic which is something I am going to feature on my front cover, as well as the square boxes of other celebrities down the side showing stories I will feature to portray my magazine as something that contains a lot of information, containing a mix of boys and girls, but mainly pretty girls and attractive boys which seems to be a running matter throughout all of the top of the pops magazines.

The layout of this magazine cover is very similar to the previous one for the pictures down the side, and the person featured in the main story focused at the front. The house style colours of blue pink and yellow are again brought through and the cover contains a mix of pretty girls and attractive boys, showing that it is mainly aimed at girls. Pink is stereotypically a girly colour, and yellow is very bright and happy which will appeal more to teenage girls than boys. And the light blue colour has connotations if the sky, which automatically makes me think of girls reading this magazine with there head in the clouds in a daydream, admiring the boys in the magazine and aspiring to be like the girls. On the main image of Ariana Grande, you can tell that her face has been airbrushed, which was also the case with the feature of top of the pops containing Jessie J, which is something I will be doing in my magazine to my cover girl, to create the flawless effect which teenage girls will strongly admire.

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