Wednesday 16 March 2016

Rough Cut Feedback

As you can see from my front cover rough draft my main colour scheme is pink and purple, which I think really appeals to my target audience, this is something the other students agreed on. Something else that was highly agreed on was that the quality of my main image is excellent and the layout is very conventional to a pop magazine, so these are aspects that I am going to keep. The fonts are very simple on my rough cut as I was focusing more on the layout and conventions, so I will be fixing this and finding more interesting and exciting fonts to fit with my magazine. Some of my feedback stated that the costume of my model doesn't really work with this magazine which is something I agree with, so I will be keeping the same model but need to think of something more suitable and conventional to the pop genre for her to wear. The purple section at the pop of the page labelled "quiz" needs to be made smaller as it take up too much of the page, and draws the attention away from the magazine title and the model. Another thing that was stated, which is also made clear through the contents page is that my magazine focuses more on gossip then music; I have done this as in all of my research in pop magazines this is the main focus more than music, but to fit the criteria I am aware that I need to include more about music, I think I will do this by having one of the models on the cover holding a microphone or maybe someone holding an instrument or sitting on an amp. Everyone liked the background colour of my image, as it is a mix of white and light purple/light blue which blends very well with the content on the page yet  doesn't draw away any attention.

I've found that my contents page is quite plain and not as conventional as my other two pages, it is definitely the page that needs the most work done to it. One thing I do like about it, and my audience agreed, was that I've stuck to my colour theme, and you can see a clear link between my front cover and contents page. All the sections of contents are set out conventionally like in a pop music magazine and the writers message is also very conventional. The picture is a problem as a section of her body and face have been cut off and it is very conventional. In the contents pages I have researched there are many smaller images rather than one large images, so I need to make sure this is sorted out. I also feel as though I shouldn't feature this model on the contents page as she is on my front cover and double page spread also so I should probably show pictures of other musicians who will be featured in the magazine. Again, a large problem is my fonts, they are extremely plain and don't stand out to the reader in the slightest, this is obviously down to the lack of time I had to create my rough drafts but it will be getting sorted out. Another thing I will be changing is the actual content of the magazine. It is more focused on gossip and fashion than music which is something a lot of people pointed out when giving feedback on my contents page, as well as this it was agreed among my feedback that I should get rid of the picture of the makeup and get more music related photos which is something I will be doing.

I received a lot of positive feedback in relation to my double page spread. Every one agreed that the colours work very well and really match well with the colour scheme and house style of my overall magazine. I stuck to convention by including a page number and a quote as a heading, which links in with the article itself. A lot of people really liked the hearts that I photoshopped into the page which is something I am also very fond of, it was stated that it is very good editing, is very eye-catching and links in very well with some of the content in the article. Many people liked the way the text was laid out as I stuck to the convention of having 3 columns of text, and had the questions and answers in different colours linking to the colour scheme. One problem with the article though is the middle column, as it is a different size to the other two columns and looks slightly out of place, most people liked the fact I included a screenshot from Instagram as it links well to my target audience and will be familiar to them but agreed that it needs to be tidied up a bit to fit in better with the text. Another issue with the page is the costume that my model is wearing like on the front cover. I need her to be wearing different costumes for the two but also something that fits in better with my genre, as the costume she is wearing is a bit too casual and makes the magazine look less professional. To sort this out I am going to go through my examples of pop magazines, and find the photos from the photo shoot to find appropriate clothes for her to be wearing when I re-take the photos.

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