Wednesday 27 April 2016

Contents Page

This is the biggest photo on my contents page, which is also the girl group that features on the bottom right hand corner of my front page. I didn't invlude my main model Zoe as the main focus of the page as that isn't conventional, it was enough her standing out on the first page. I thought the girl group would be a good focus of the page as I have seen this in other examples I have researched and also they are 4 very pretty girls which appeals to my target audience. I used a different photo to the front page as the same photo is never used within one magazine, and I decided to choose this one as the bigger one as they are all smiling and having fun, and gives a really friendly, fun feel to the audience, making them feel welcomed to read on.

I featured two photos of this model Tom in the contents page, who is again on the front cover, as I found on a few examples of the contents page that a smaller photo of the same model is often featured on the contents page, and I decided to use Tom for this as I didn't have many boy model and pop magazines always do feature some boys, so I made him the main male focus of the page. I decided he should be playing football as thats a common stereotypical masculan sport which girls associate with boys, but I used the bottom photo of him looking confused with a cliff hanger caption to make the audience curious as to why he's pulling that face and will make them want to read the article on him. I had him dressed in a very simple blue tshirt as in the majority of pop magazines I've looked into the boys are just wearing simple tshirts or hoodies unless they aert the main feature, so it doesn't draw too much attention away from the main feature.
I did feature my main model from the front page and double page spread in my contents page but only in a very small box, just to emphasise the fact that she is the main person in this edition of the magazine. I had her in different clothing though (from the first photoshoot) so it didn't all look the same and things were more different and original, also hen looking at the actual photoshoots in pop magazines the model is always changing clothing, so it is infact conventional.
I put these two photos next to eachother on the contents page as it looks very cheesy, something every pop magazine does. The two people have no relation in any of my stories and have no interaction but the photos I have chosen make it look as if they are looking in each others direction which is visually interesting to look and could be seen by the target audeince as cute.

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