Wednesday 20 April 2016

Photos that don't work

I find that these three photos look slightly out of place within my front cover. The background of the photos being white doesn't work as they look like mugshots. The photos of the girls don't look like photos that would be on a front cover so I am going to get rid of them, but I am going to keep the photo of the boy and remove the background because I feel like the pose and facial expression he is doing does make him look like a pop star and it is conventional for him to be wearing a hoody as that is casual and what you expect to see from males in a pop magazine but it is not conventional for the girls to be wearing that and I don't feel like they fit in with the genre.

At first I really liked the Instagram screenshot within my double page spread as it is something my target audience will be able to relate to and it is conventional of pop magazines to have a photo within the article. But having this photo in made my columns uneven with different width lengths, I tried it in many different places but it always caused the same problem, the only solution to it was to stretch the image but that makes the image distorted and doesn't look good at all, so I just deleted the photo so that the article columns were all aligned with the width of 62mm, and it looks a lot better.

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