Monday 25 April 2016

New photos for front cover

For the name photo on my front cover I changed the pose of my model, I wanted her to be happier on it as that is a lotmore conventional that the serious facial expression I had her posing for my rough cut. I also changed her body positioning to portray her as more friendly and welcoming.The costume she is wearing is just a casual jumper which I like because it is very csual and relatable to the target audience, to portray her as both a normal girl and someone who is famous.

This was the original photo, the closing was suitable or conventional,and I just think it didn't stand out enough on the front page, as she looks to calm and it's not very excitable. Below is the new photo I am using, I find that a lot of the examples I annalysed back up myreasons for using this photo as she looks happy, her wholebody positioning fills the page to make her the mainfocus as she is also the person featured on my double page spread. A thing I kept the sameabout these photos though was taking them in the studio and using the background as the background formy actual front page and double page spread. It'snot completely white and is a sort of light blue/purplecolour which is something I believe works very well and I am very fond of.


I edited the face of my model Zoe to get rid of the shinyness and to whiten her teeth and get rid of blemeshes to make her lookmore flawlessas that is what pop magazines do to their model to make them look more admirable. I also had to remove her neckless using the cloning tool on photoshop as it was very wonky which I didn't realise till after I had taken all the photos.
 Before and after photos


I originally had these 3 photos down the side of my front page, but a massive problem was that the white background made these photos look like mug photos, and the bottom two really didn't convey that thisis a pop magazine. I really liked the captions and the idea of it becuase it is fairly cheesy and very conventional of a pop maagazion. So I changed it to look like this, only keeping the top photo and getting rid of the background.
Girl groups are veyr popular in the charts and you hear a lot about them in pop magazines so I gathered a group of 4 girls pose as a girl group.the had the same white background as the previous photos did so I delted that and just made a blue border around the back of them as I had seen this in an example that I had analysed. I got a mixof blondes and brunettes as they are most commonly seen in pop magazines and decided to have them wearing quite casual clothing like my main model Zoe was so they didn't stand out among her as she is the main focus of my magazine.
I used this photo to create a box at the top corner of my front page as a space filler, as all pop magazine are very chaotic and contain a lot of pictures, information and writing, and I've also found when looking in the news agents that free stuff are given away with the majority of pop magazines whether it's cheep makeup or posters, so I inclused that you get a free poster inside of the magazine. Instead of just clearing the background off the photo on this magazine I used the brush tool to paint the photo blue leaving a slight white outline around the model which creates an effect as if he's shining, and is the same colour as the font I have used in this section.

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