Wednesday 27 April 2016

Double Page Spread

This is my rough cut double page spread and my final cut one. As you can see not a lot was changed but that it because I have really happy with the rough cut results of this page. My favourite part was definitely the positioning of my model and the hearts she was blowing. But, the problem with the photo was her costume, as it was just too casual (even though pop magazines promote casual clothing but this was too much) and it wasnt appropriate the was her belly was on show as that isn't conventional of a pop magazine. So I went a did another photoshoot with Zoe so retake the photo but in
different clothing. The main problem was getting the pose exact. It was difficult to get her body positioning and angeling right, and to get her hands and face in the correct possition. So after the second photo shoot didn't go too well I decided to print out the picture of the original photo and held it up to her to copy while I was taking the photos, which really was common sense and I should have done that in the first place but I finally got there.

A few photos where the possitioning went wrong.
Another thing I changed was the fonts as the fonts in my rough cut were dreadful.The main font I used for the majority of my titles was called 'bubblebody' and I loved this font because it looks really happy, cute and makes me think of quite a bubbly atmosphere, which is what pop magazine are all about really. I also changed the font of the story to make it easier to read, and on the caption above the story you can see that the font is more bold and easier to read, and there are key words within the sentence in a different more bold font to stand out, which gives teh page more to look at and more to stand out.

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